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How to Drop the Chips and Implement a Healthy Quarantine Eating Routine

The world as we knew it has changed dramatically over the past few months, forcing many of us to spend the bulk of our time shuttered in our homes. As a result, many people have turned to food — namely junk food — to relieve anxiety and boredom. But now is not the time to let down your guard on your health.

At Lafferty Family Care, Dr. Scott Lafferty and our team want to ensure that our patients remain healthy during these trying times, and that starts with nutrition. While we understand that food can provide some comfort amidst the uncertainty, it can also undermine your health and unravel your weight-loss efforts.

With that in mind, here are a few tips on how you can drop the chips (and cookies) during quarantine in favor of habits and foods that will serve you well once you’re able to make your way back into the world again.

Avoid the kitchen

If you’re new to spending your days at home, the lure of the kitchen can be tough. Under normal circumstances, you probably left for work with lunch and perhaps a snack, but working from home means you’ve got unlimited access to food.

If you find yourself gravitating toward the kitchen throughout the day, we urge you to avoid this room altogether if that’s possible, and only head in for a proper meal or scheduled snack.

As well, don’t keep snacks out where they’re visible — such as filling a big bowl full of chips or cookies and placing it on the counter. Instead, keep your food in your cupboards to avoid visual stimulation.

Practice portion control

Another problem when you’re stuck at home is that you may lack ways to control your portions, especially if you’re buying large bags of snacks for children. We recommend that you equip yourself with a small bowl that you can fill, rather than diving into a large bag.

Practice more mindfulness

Overeating because of boredom or anxiety is incredibly common, so we urge you to check in with yourself to figure out whether you’re really hungry. Every time you have an urge to eat, don’t act on it right away. Instead, sit for a moment and check your actual hunger level. More often than not, we bet you’ll find that the messaging to eat isn’t coming from your stomach, but your brain.

In these instances, find something you can do to occupy your brain for a few minutes to steer it away from eating. There’s an old saying that if you move a muscle, you can change a thought, so a quick stretch or walk around the block will redirect your brain to healthier places.

Take up cooking

Another great way to maintain a healthier diet while you’re in quarantine is to stay away from pre-made, processed foods entirely. Instead, use this time to make your meals and snacks from scratch. If your kitchen is full of ingredients, rather than junk food, you’ll find that you’ll only be motivated to eat when you’re truly hungry since you have to make the meal.

If you’re looking for healthy recipes, a quick internet search will deliver more than enough results to keep you busy. Here’s a great example of healthy snacks you can make at home.

Drink plenty of water

Another fantastic way to avoid overeating is to drink a glass of water any time you feel hungry. Water not only makes you feel full, it gives you added energy and mental focus that help combat anxiety and boredom.

If you have any questions about implementing a healthier diet during quarantine, please contact our office in Bentonville, Arkansas.


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