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Eight Reasons to Improve Your Nutrition

Whether we use an expression like, “Garbage in, garbage out” or “You are what you eat,” each is sending the same message — if you want a body that’s healthy and performs well, you need to provide the right fuel. 

Unfortunately, the American diet is one that’s become calorie rich and nutrient poor, which means you have to work a little harder to ensure that your nutritional needs are met.

At Lafferty Family Care, Dr. Scott Lafferty and our team offer nutrition services which provide you with the tools you need to eat your way to better mental and physical health.

To underscore the importance of eating well, here are eight benefits you’ll reap by improving your nutrition.

1. More energy

Before you grab that energy drink, you should know that the boost you get is temporary and costs you in the long run. If you provide your body with the right nutrients and vitamins, you’ll enjoy sustainable and heightened energy levels that don’t come with the inevitable caffeine or sugar crash.

2. Easier weight loss

There’s no shortage of diets out there that promise to deliver amazing results in very little time, but they don’t pay close attention to proper nutrition. The truth is, foods that are long on nutritional value are usually short on calories, which allows you to boost your health while you lose weight.

3. Lower risk of disease

Good nutrition lowers your risk for some very serious health conditions, including:

The role that unhealthy foods play in the development of these health conditions is significant.

4. Boost in immune system

One of the best ways to stay healthy is to boost your immune system, which means providing your body with plenty of antioxidants through your diet. Colorful fruits and veggies are especially high in antioxidants.

5. Better bone health

As you get older, your bone density begins to decline, which you can offset with the right nutrients. Leading the list of nutrients are vitamin D and the minerals calcium and magnesium.

6. Improved mental clarity

As much as your diet can influence your physical health, it also plays a role in the health of your brain. If you want to reap the benefits of mental clarity, you need to take in foods that support brain health.

7. Better mental health

While cognitive function is influenced by your diet, so is your mental health. Many foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates have been found to increase symptoms of depression.

8. Great gut health

This last benefit is a more direct one that’s easy to appreciate. If you want to avoid stomach aches, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues, it’s important to watch what you eat.

Getting started on great nutrition

While there are many general rules of thumb when it comes to good nutrition, we also tailor your nutritional program to your unique needs. When you first come in, we review your diet, your current health, and your goals, and then we show you how you can eat for overall better mental and physical health.

To get started on improving your health through nutrition, contact our office in Bentonville, Arkansas, to set up a consultation.

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