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Boost Your Body’s Growth Hormone with Sermorelin

At Lafferty Family Care in Bentonville, Arkansas, Scott Lafferty, MD, offers anti-aging Sermorelin therapy.

What is Sermorelin?

Sermorelin is a secretagogue of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) meaning that it stimulates the release of HGH in our bodies.  Sermorelin is a bioidentical peptide that corresponds to the amino-terminal segment of the naturally occurring Human Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone. 

What is Human Growth Hormone and why is it important?

HGH is responsible for stimulating the growth, healing, and renewal of all the cells in our bodies.  We have high levels of HGH as children and adolescents to enable us to grow and mature into adults. HGH still plays an important role in the repair and regeneration of human tissue throughout our lives.  Until we are around 30 years of age, we have spent most of our lives with fairly high levels of HGH. By that time, our HGH levels are only about 20 percent of the peak levels we had during childhood. The reduced levels are no longer enough HGH to repair all the damage that is occurring to our bodies.  After the age of 30, our HGH levels continue to decline by about 12 to 15 percent per decade. As our HGH levels continue to decline, the damage that we call aging continues to accelerate.

HGH decline is not the only cause of the manifestations of aging.  Even with HGH levels of a young adult, we would continue to experience the effects of aging, however, those effects would be greatly diminished until we reached a very advanced age.  HGH does not affect the root cause of aging, as measured by maximum lifespan, but it can certainly affect many of the manifestations of aging. By increasing the levels of HGH in our bodies, we can slow or even reverse many of the manifestations of aging.  Ideally, increasing our HGH should begin at about the age of 30, but increasing HGH in older people can reverse the manifestations of aging by 5 to 15 years or more. There is no other single therapy currently available that can have the impact on the aging body that HGH can.

Here are a few of the manifestations of aging resulting from a decrease in HGH:

Why not just use HGH injections?

The risks of administering HGH injections is significant.  Administering HGH directly bypasses the body’s natural regulatory mechanism and can result in a permanent shutdown or significant decrease in the body’s natural production of HGH.  Also, using HGH directly can result in overdose and many significant side effects, such as tachyphylaxis.

HGH is a controlled substance that can only be prescribed in a limited number of conditions.  Both the patient and physician can be prosecuted for its improper use.  

What are the advantages of choosing Sermorelin over HGH?

Sermorelin therapy enables patients to obtain all the benefits of HGH therapy, without the associated risks of HGH injections. Sermorelin is much safer because it supports pituitary function by stimulating the pituitary to increase growth hormone naturally. HGH injections inhibit the pituitary’s natural release of HGH.  Sermorelin allows your body to bring your HGH levels back to a normal range without the risk of excessively high HGH levels. Sermorelin has also been shown to be more natural in the way that HGH is released into the body - more closely mimicking the body’s natural, gradual release of growth hormone.  This is considered much safer than the consistently high levels seen in those using HGH injections.

Sermorelin is significantly more affordable than HGH for most patients.  HGH typically costs more than $1,000-1,500/month. Sermorelin currently costs less than a third of that price.  That is less than $10 a day for a significant investment in your most important asset – you. Also, Sermorelin in not a controlled substance like HGH, although a prescription is still required.

What Are the Reported Benefits of Sermorelin?

The following are reported benefits of Sermorelin therapy:

Sermorelin acts as a relief from most age-related health conditions.  As we age, we all wish we could feel and look younger. Everyone hopes to enjoy life as we did when we were younger, before aging brought on fatigue, frailty, excess weight and other age-related conditions.  Sermorelin cannot reverse the age of your cells, but it can balance your HGH to optimal levels and give the appearance and feeling of being younger in most patients who use it correctly under physician supervision.  Sermorelin improves symptoms by enhancing cell regeneration, maintaining healthy tissue throughout the body, and keeping the body functioning at peak performance. These benefits start within the first few weeks of treatment and increase synergistically with continued therapy.  Full effects are noticed after a “loading” period of 3-6 months, but the greatest results occur 6-12 months after continuous therapy. Restore your sense of vitality and vigor with Sermorelin. Call our clinic to schedule your consult.


Additional information:                                                                     

Insurance does not cover Sermorelin for anti-aging.

There are currently no long-term side effects to Sermorelin.  The following are some possible short-term side effects:                                                                                                            

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