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4 Benefits of Good Nutrition

March is National Nutrition Month® in the United States, so Dr. Scott Lafferty and the team here at Lafferty Family Care want to spend a little time reviewing why nutrition is so vitally important to your health.

The reality is that, over the past two centuries, much of the world’s population has transitioned from struggling to find enough food to diets that are calorie-rich and nutrient-poor. In fact, the average American consumes too many calories — as many as 3,600 calories per day for some people. Oftentimes many of those calories don’t contain enough nutrients, so, the stomach may be full, but the body isn’t getting what it needs for healthy function.

While nutrition affects every aspect of your body, we’re going to highlight just a few of the benefits of eating well.

1. Fight obesity through nutrition

Did you know that nearly 75% of adults in the US are either overweight or have obesity? And that almost 20% of kids have obesity?

These excess pounds are mostly due to calorie-rich modern diets that offer little in the way of nutrition. Junk food, fast food, processed food — these are all culprits behind the obesity epidemic.

The best way to combat obesity is through nutrition and getting back to basics. Instead of processed foods, focus on whole foods like:

Eating whole foods is a great practice that can help you lose weight and stay healthy.

2. Fight disease through nutrition

Nearly half of the population in the US has a chronic disease, such as cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. One of the best ways to fight back against these diseases is through good nutrition.

For example, when you have diabetes, your body struggles to regulate your blood sugar levels. Unhealthy foods play a role in cardiovascular disease as they cause system-wide inflammation which contributes to blockages in your arteries.

One of the frontline treatments for these common chronic diseases, and others, is modifying your diet. Reducing sugars and unhealthy fats can go a long way toward getting your health on the right track.

3. Boost immunity through nutrition

To avoid disease and sickness altogether, it’s a good idea to focus on nutrition so that your immune system gets the vitamins and minerals it needs, including:

While you can take a multivitamin each day, it’s better to get these vital nutrients through whole foods.

4. Stay strong through nutrition

Good nutrition is essential for keeping your body strong. For example, lean proteins feed your muscles while dairy products, leafy greens, and beans can all work toward keeping your bones strong.

If you’d like to learn more about how nutrition can significantly boost your health and wellness, we invite you to contact our office in Rogers, Arkansas, to schedule a nutrition consultation.

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